
Masters of The Air

Excited to be in episodes one and two of #Steven Spielberg’s #Masters of the for Air Apple TV+. It was wicked filming this scene with #Callum Turner.


Tommy Jessop Goes to Hollywood On BBC iplayer

Tommy Jessop Goes to Hollywood

On #BBC iplayer

Co-created and filmed by Tommy with his brother #Will Jessop for BBC One, screened at #BAFTA, and now on #BBC iplayer.

There are not enough exciting roles in film for people like me so I decided to write something myself.

Thank you to #Kit Harrington, Sharpe, , #Zac Gottsagen for your advice and for reading with me, and to everyone in #Hollywood for your advice and encouragement and to the #stuntmen for a brilliant day. Being chased by you and your guns through the wood and finally facing you all down using the super powers of Roger my #Superhero was truly wicked.

Catch my 6 tips for Hollywood here

Now we are busy writing the screenplay!

I am really excited that Tommy Jessop Goes to Hollywood has been long listed for a #BAFTA

Thank you Carol Midgley for your wonderful 5 star review in The Times.

had me blubbing in tears.. What a life affirming programme.”


Out in hardback, audiobook and now paperback

“Simply wonderful… enchanting..glorious. Tommy Jessop’s talent, warmth, kindness and courage glow from the pages of this enchanting memoir. I can’t recommend it highly enough.” Stephen Fry 

“Tommy Jessop makes the world a better place. Everyone needs to hear his voice” Mark Haddon

A Life worth Living by Tommy Jessop

Acting, Activism and Everything Else

#29th February – lucky leap year date – a brilliant day for my #memoir #A Life Worth Living by #Tommy Jessop to be published in #paperback and become a #bestseller!  I hope people will find it a really #good read, and will find it #uplifting. Thank you #Stephen Fry and #Mark Haddon for your really kind #reviews.

My #memoir takes you behind the scenes in #BBC #Line of Duty, #Casualty, #Holby and other #TV and #film stories, to the #BAFTAs, #National TV Awards, meeting celebrities like #HughGrant, #Sally Phillips, #Vicky McClure, #Kelly Macdonald, dancing the Rite of Spring at #Covent Garden with members of #The Royal Ballet and lots of other people with #Down syndrome, playing Hamlet and enjoying his infamous speeches, to speaking in #Parliament and campaigning for better #healthcare through my work on stage and on TV for #Panorama.

I talk about #hope and #friendship and what it can be like living with #Down syndrome and share a few #facts and #puns.

I’m a #Man on a Mission to show that life with #Down syndrome can be exciting.

It is a Life Worth Living.

Simply wonderful. The most instantly lovable and engaging personality to emerge from a book that I have encountered in decades. A voice that is clear, companionable and often gloriously comical. Tommy Jessop’s talent, warmth, kindness and courage glow from the pages of this enchanting memoir. I can’t recommend it highly enough.”#Stephen Fry

Tommy Jessop makes the world a better place.

Everyone needs to hear his voice.”#Mark Haddon

“The kind of vital read that breeds compasion and empathy”#iPaper

Please share.

awards news

The best night in my entire acting lifetime.

Line of Duty WINNER National Television Awards

Best Returning Drama.

Sometimes dancing speaks louder than words, especially if you are at the O2 in front of a huge audience and your dream comes true.

Thank you National Television Awards and all the brilliant cast and crew of Line Of Duty and everyone who voted.

It was wicked seeing the other actors again including Martin Compston, Gregory Piper and Nigel Boyle.

Then we met all sorts of wicked people backstage too.

It was brilliant playing all the dramatic scenes in Line of Duty series 6, especially being rescued by Vicky McClure and interviewed by Kelly McDonald and Perry Fitzpatrick.

Thank you Jed Mercurio for such a great story line.


Doctor Tommy!

It truly was an honour and a proud moment in my career so far to become Doctor of Arts (honoris causa). Thank you University of Winchester.

I quite enjoy feeding off the audience’s emotions so it was truly wicked giving my speech in Winchester Cathedral. This is what everyone said.


Line of Duty – It’s good to be back!

It was wicked filming with Jed Mercurio, Vicky McClure, Kelly Macdonald, Gregory Piper and the whole cast & crew for season 6 of Line of Duty. I enjoy the infamous interview scenes as I like making viewers feel their emotions.

The dramatic scenes were like being in a James Bond film. The scenes are intense and quite dramatic, but that is what I enjoy acting. It’s exhilarating.

Thank you for all the interest, support and encouragement on social media, and to all my new followers on Twitter. I think it’s great to see more people living with Down syndrome on mainstream TV, and I’m so happy to play a role in that! I hear it had over 13 million viewers and that is rather a lot really.

Jed is a brilliant writer. The scenes were intense but that is what I enjoy acting.


We performed Hamlet to over 3,000 people in all.


Just back from hunting with the Bushmen in Namibia.

They use poison arrows.

It was a brilliant adventure, although we didn’t catch anything!


‘We are such stuff as dreams are made of’

Great line!  

Performing at Theatre Royal Winchester

I had to grow my hair long as  Prospero has lived for many years on a desert island.


Honoured to be selected as a member of BAFTA ELEVATE 2020-21

I’ve met many brilliant directors, writers, producers and casting directors through BAFTA Elevate and learnt so much. Thank you everyone who has given us their time. Thank you BAFTA.